Hole in the Church Seminars

In many countries in Asia, people with special needs are often looked upon as less than, unfortunate, and cursed, and are excluded from the happenings of society. Tragically, much of the Asian Church seems to act more like the culture it is surrounded by rather than representing Christ.

This Hole in the Church has been on the heart of LCMI for a while, and we felt led by the Lord to address this prevalent and dire need. Our goal with this seminar is to train pastors in how they can minister to people with special needs and include and incorporate them into the life of a church, representing Christ to these marginalized, forgotten, yet precious, people.

TThe seminar covers the heart of God and Biblical teachings on special needs and the impact of the Gospel for those with special needs. It highlights the fact that the body of Christ needs all its members as the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12. Church leaders are challenged with this quote from Chuck Swindoll, "Disabled people are not in our way; they are a part of the way". Through this teaching, the heart of the issue is addressed. Additionally, practical steps that a church family can take to integrate those with special needs into the congregation are shared, such as providing transportation for them and identifying their giftings.

It is our prayer that the fellowship of all believers, both with and without special needs, will become a reality in the Asian church as in Acts 2.